Cardiovascular Health Specialist

Plainsboro Princeton Medical Associates PC -  - Internist

Plainsboro Princeton Medical Associates PC

Internists & Aesthetic Specialists located in Plainsboro Township, NJ

Heart disease is the #1 killer of Americans, so it’s imperative to take care of your cardiovascular health. The experts at Plainsboro Princeton Medical Associates PC evaluate your risk factors for heart disease and develop a plan to attack them. Dr. Aruna Chakrala promotes both medical and lifestyle prevention methods. If you live in Plainsboro or Monroe Township, New Jersey, call or use the online option to book your appointment today.

Cardiovascular Health Q & A

What does the cardiovascular system do?

The cardiovascular system consists of your heart and the network of arteries, veins, and blood vessels that carry blood throughout the body. The system performs life-sustaining functions in your body, such as delivering oxygen to every cell in your body and eliminating waste products.

What conditions affect the cardiovascular system?

Heart disease is the umbrella term for a variety of cardiovascular system problems. Heart disease represents a variety of different problems that affect your heart, including:

  • Atherosclerosis: plaque buildup in the arteries
  • Arrhythmia: irregular heartbeat
  • Peripheral artery disease: poor blood flow to the extremities
  • Congestive heart failure: the heart can’t pump blood adequately
  • Heart attack: blocked blood flow to the heart
  • Stroke: blocked blood flow to the brain

How can I reduce my risk of cardiovascular problems in the future?

You can’t control all the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as your genetics, gender, or age. However, you do have significant control over other preventable risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as maintaining a healthy diet and exercise.

The American Heart Association recommends the following guidelines to help minimize your risks of heart disease:  

  • Eat a healthy well-balanced diet, low in salt and saturated fat
  • Exercise at a moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes most days
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Practice regular stress reduction habits
  • Quit smoking

You should also ensure to attend your regular preventive exams and medical screens so your doctor can detect any abnormalities before they become problematic. Routine blood tests also show early disease warning signs, so make sure you keep up with them so you can take proactive action on any issues.

How do you treat existing cardiovascular problems?

Treatment depends on the type and severity of the underlying problem, but Dr. Chakrala can help you develop the right course of treatment. Most cardiovascular diseases can be managed with medication, aspirin, and healthy lifestyle changes.

More serious heart problems may require surgery. Some arrhythmias, for example, respond well to pacemakers. Heart attack patients may need angioplasty or bypass surgery to reduce their risks for subsequent heart attacks. Your doctor can make the appropriate referrals if necessary.

If you’re interested in learning more about your cardiovascular health, contact Plainsboro Princeton Medical Associates PC online or over the phone to book an appointment today.